
Financial Report

2016 AMEZUAAA July 17 to September 10 Financial Report
Financial Report By Mr.Teaker Harris
2016 AMEZUAAA July 17 to September 10 Fi[...]
Microsoft Word document [21.4 KB]
AMEZUAAA Statement to Bishop Lartey
AMEZUAAA statement to Bishop Lartey.docx
Microsoft Word document [27.2 KB]


TO: All Members

         AME Zion University Alumni

         Association in the Americas

 From: The General Secretary           


August 2, 2017

 Fellow Zionites:

 Please be informed that the next regular general meeting is scheduled for Sunday, August 13, 2017 at 6:00 PM EST Prompt. The leadership has a very important/good news and will like all members to be in attendance. Please be on time as the President has been very time cautious and promised that the meeting will last not more than an hour.

 Please note that the conference number has change to avoid the inconveniences experienced by some of our members during the last meeting.

Conference #: 641-552-9355  

Access code: 173342#

Proposed Meeting Agenda:

1. Opening Prayer 

2. Self-Introduction/Roll Call

3. Committees Report

            2017 Program committee

            Election committee statement and subsequent dissolution.

4. Restructuring the Membership Committee

 5. Registration update     

 6. Any other business

 7. Adjournment

 8. Closing Prayer

 Thank you in advance as I look forward to your presence and full participation.

 Best Regards,

Aloysius Gargar


General Secretary (AMEZUAAA)

Committees responsibilities and functions
AMEZUAAA various committees responsibilities and functions
AMEZUAAA various committees responsibili[...]
Microsoft Word document [17.8 KB]

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AME Zion University Alumni Association In The Americas

Phone: 574-367-0270



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AME Zion University Alumni Association In the Americas