Executive Team Members

Aloysuis Gargar  -President

Phone Number- 813-495-3346

Email Address-  agargar65@amezusa.org 

The President is responsible to execute and enforce the laws of AMEZUAA. The President also  performs all legal administrative matters not expressly mentioned in the constitution in the best interest of the organization.

Mercy Travers - Vice President

Phone Number- 347-322-2798

E-mail Adddress - lovegbee@gmail.com

The vice president is the principle deputy of the President. He or she shall execute the duties and powers of the President in his or her absence.

Teaker Harris- Secretary General

Phone Number- 239-207-1558

Email Address- teakersr@hotmail.com

The General Secretary is the custodian of all the records and documents of the Association.

Brenda Davies -Treasurer 

Phone Number- 763-412-5552

Email Address- ddavies@amezusa.org

The Treasurer/Financial Secretary is responsible for the disbursement and accounting of AMEZUAA funds.



Jeanne Tabla - Chaplin

Phone Number-

Email Address-  janenetty3@gmail.com

The Chaplain is the spiritual leader of the Association and serve as the religious advisor for Association.

Contact Us Today!

AME Zion University Alumni Association In The Americas

Phone: 574-367-0270

E-mail: info@amezusa.org


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AME Zion University Alumni Association In the Americas